Vem är Elsa, egentligen?
For Spring 2024 I was completing a UX project with another student at the Flygvapenmusem in Linköping in collaboration with Variant and Dyno Robotics, the creators behind Elsa.
UX Designer
Spring 2024
This project, done in collaboration with Usify, DynoRobotics, and another UX student, focused on improving the usability and experience of interacting with the AI robot “Elsa” at the Swedish Air Force Museum in Linköping. The main goal was to understand how children aged 7-12 viewed her personality, how safe they felt interacting with her, and whether they saw her more as a human or a robot. By using UX design techniques such as interviews, surveys, and observations with families and school groups, we identified both positive aspects and areas for improvement in Elsa’s communication and interaction. The results showed that children found Elsa to be fun, friendly, and somewhat human-like.
However, there were challenges — children sometimes had trouble knowing when Elsa could hear them, got confused about what she could or couldn’t do, and found her responses too long at times. To improve, we suggested changes like using lights to signal when she’s listening, shortening her responses, and making her interface more intuitive and human-like.
Me & Emmy Nåbo, Usify, Flygvapenmuseum, Dyno Robotics
Figma, Google Presentation, Miro, Photoshop
User research, User Testing, Prototyping